We're catching our breath today after a busy Thanksgiving week. It was encouraging to see so many people shopping for their fresh produce and turkeys at Findlay Market. Wednesday was the biggest day of the week---comparable to our normal Saturday, but Tuesday was really good, too. Biggest sellers for us were sweet potatoes---We sold well over a half ton!
Offering fresh produce and local specialty items with a dash of fun and a spoonful of goodness. Daisy Mae's is located at historic Findlay Market in Cincinnati, OH, and is the home of Cincinnati Food Tours and the Taste the World at Findlay Market experience.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thanksgiving Recap
We're catching our breath today after a busy Thanksgiving week. It was encouraging to see so many people shopping for their fresh produce and turkeys at Findlay Market. Wednesday was the biggest day of the week---comparable to our normal Saturday, but Tuesday was really good, too. Biggest sellers for us were sweet potatoes---We sold well over a half ton!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Great Grapes!

As we try to find our niche at Findlay Market, we've quickly determined that we have two kinds of customers. We have the neighborhood folks that buy in small quantities, shop often, and look for a good deal. We also have the "foodies" that seem to buy more items at one time, might only shop once a week or so, and look for specialty foods for a certain recipe they are preparing.
At Daisy Mae's, we're trying to fill both needs. For instance, we usually stock several kinds of grapes. The "everyday" grape we have today is small, red, and seedless and currently sells for $1.50/lb. We also have "Holiday" grapes today. These grapes are also red and seedless, but they are almost as round as a quarter and extra-delicious. They sell today for $2.50/lb. Both grapes are good and each serve their purpose depending on budget and personal preference.
Grapes, like all produce, are perishable. At Daisy Mae's, when we feel a product is not up to our quality standards, we move it to our "Bargain Bin." There, it's priced accordingly, and someone will find it fits their budget and needs. At Daisy Mae's, there's something for everyone!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Little Rain Never Hurt Us
Monday, November 16, 2009
How to Tell If a Melon is Ripe?

Everyone wants to know how to choose a honeydew melon or a cantaloupe. The best clues to ripeness are color and fragrance. A cantaloupe that is ready to eat will be a golden color. A honeydew melon will be a light yellow, cream, or even whitish in color when it is ripe. If either melon has a greenish tint, it's probably not yet ripe. Both fruits will have a distinct sweet fragrance at room temperature.
Both cantaloupe and honeydew should give a little when pressed gently with your fingers. The honeydew, in particular, should be slightly soft at the end away from where the stem was attached. It's also possible to shake a melon when testing for ripeness. If you hear the rattle of seeds, the melon is ready.
Most melons are picked several weeks before they appear at market so that the timing is right for consumers to take home and eat. If you think your melon may not be quite ripe, just leave it on the kitchen counter for a few days, but remember that once you cut the melon open, it will not ripen anymore.
For some more tips on melons, watch this video.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Portobello Mushrooms are Popular

Grilled Portobellos with Olive Oil & Garlic
4 Portobellos, Olive Oil, Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper, 4 garlic
cloves, minced chopped fresh parsley.
Preheat the broiler or start your grill.
Wipe mushrooms clean and remove stems. Drizzle all over with olive oil and
season with salt and pepper. Broil or grill about 4 inches from flame, gill side
up, 2 minutes. Turn over, sprinkle tops with garlic and a bit more oil, and
cook 1 to 2 minutes longer, being careful not to burn the garlic. Sprinkle
with parsley and serve.
Friday, November 13, 2009
What's the Difference between a Plantain and a Banana?

Whereas a banana is a sweet fruit, a plantain is more starchy and is often treated as a vegetable. Native to India, plantains are very popular in Western Africa and Caribbean countries where they are often used like potatoes.
Plantains need to be cooked before eating. They are usually fried or baked, but the taste varies with ripeness. The less ripe plantains are greener in color and contain more starch. As the plantain ripens, it darkens to black and takes on a sweeter flavor.
Pick up some plantains next time you're at the market. Dare to be different and try something new.
Here's a simple recipe to get you started with plantains. "Tostones" make a great snack or side dish.
Recipe for Tostones
Serves 3-4
Need: 2 green plantains, oil for frying, and salt
1. Heat oil to 375 degrees.
2. Peel plantains and cut into 3/4" slices.
3. Fry in hot oil for 3 minutes. They should be light golden and semi-soft.
4. Remove with slotted spoon and drain on paper towels.
5. Maintain the oil temperature. After plantains cool (about 1 minute), smash them into flat rounds.
6. Fry the rounds in the oil for 3 minutes. They'll turn crisp and golden brown.
7. Remove plantains with slotted spoon and drain them on paper towels.
8. Salt to taste.
Taste great in garlic dip!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veterans' Day Salute

In honor of all veterans and active military personnel, Daisy Mae's Market is donating 11% of today's sales to the Friends of the National World War II Memorial. The World War II Memorial holds a special place in my heart as my father proudly served in the 86th Chemical Mortar Battalion.
It's great to see so much recognition for "The Greatest Generation" these days. There are fewer of these WW II veterans around to thank personally so it's wonderful that we have places like the Memorial in Washington, DC. If you haven't been there, make the effort to go. All Americans need to learn about what these brave soldiers did and to show our appreciation and respect for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Thanks, Dad.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Recipes, Anyone?
Another friend bought potatoes and leeks. She was planning to make soup, but ran short on time and ended up making a version of home-fried potatoes with leeks and bacon. Sounds yummy!
We're hoping some of our customers start sharing recipes. If you've found a good use for our produce, please reply to this blog and post a link to a recipe, or tell us about your latest cooking creations.
See you at Findlay Market!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
First Saturday
What a great Saturday at Findlay Market! The bright sun and warm temperatures brought out the shoppers. Everyone was so nice to us. We met so many people---probably won't remember all the names, but we'll remember the faces. We ran out of business cards so I expect we'll have lots of new followers on Twitter.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Need More Hours in the Day
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
More About Opening Week
This is all pretty exciting. Barry said he met quite a few young professionals today who regularly shop at Findlay Market. He's made a point of asking people where they live...Clifton, Price Hill, Walnut Hills, the Findlay Market neighborhood...It will be interesting to see if things change on the weekend and more suburbanites make the trip downtown.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
First Day at Findlay Market
The weather cooperated beautifully. It was a crisp, clear fall morning so set-up went smoothly. We arrived about 7:00 am for the 9:00 am opening, and since it was the first day, it took us most of that time to arrange the items and set the prices. Most of the produce was already on the carts in the trailer so all Jeff had to do was roll the carts down the ramps. We actually had about 65 items today---a few more than we had room for on the carts. But the Findlay Market folks were very welcoming and offered us the use of several rolling tables as well.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Who Wants Mushrooms?

Barry and Jeff have spent the day on a buying spree. We have an extensive inventory for tomorrow's opening. For starters, we hit the jackpot with mushrooms. Besides white mushrooms, we'll have maitake, beech, oyster, trumpet, and porcini mushrooms! We also have some great looking apples, grapes, greens, parsnips, peppers, potatoes, oranges, and squash. It looks like we'll have over 70 items this week. The first few weeks will be a bit of a learning experience. We really will make an effort to stock what our customers want and need...some for the everyday buyer and some for the gourmet cooks. When we get a good deal or a specialty item, we'll try to tweet about it. Stay tuned.