Daisy Mae's Market is named after the grandmother of Barry and Jeff Cooper. When the brothers decided to start their own fresh produce business, it seemed logical to name the market in honor of this special woman.
Born in the hills of Kentucky in 1903, Daisy Mae grew up poor but probably never knew it. Even though she went to school through the 8th grade, most of her true education probably came through the experiences she gained on the farm and in home. She was one of 6 girls...so you can imagine that the home was a busy place with many of the activities focused on cooking and farming. Over time, she refined her cooking skills and came to be known as the woman who could take whatever was available and make it into a meal. She could cook squirrel or rabbit, or make a "Bob-White" syrup from butter and molasses--perfect for dipping homemade bread. Home was a farm so whatever the family could grow became a part of the meal. If berries were available, Daisy Mae made cobbler. If vegetables were ready, she made soup.
At just the right moment in her life entered Luther Cooper. He grew up in a similar rural setting. As a boy, he often took an all-day trip with a wagon full of apples to Somerset, Kentucky to sell the apples to buy sugar, flour, and other household necessities. After Daisy Mae and Luther married, they put their talents and work ethic together and moved to the Cincinnati area to raise a family of their own. Luther worked off and on as an itinerant farmer, but he also found employment in a cardboard box factory. Daisy Mae carried on the family traditions of cooking and quilting while providing a solid foundation for her children and grandchildren.
Working hard, providing fresh produce, sharing the secrets of good food...Grandsons Barry and Jeff do it every day at Findlay Market. Wouldn't Daisy Mae and Luther be proud?
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