Monday, March 5, 2012

Spinach: Not Just for Popeye Anymore

I first met spinach in grade school, and you know what I thought? Spinach stinks. The lunch ladies would cook it to death so that when spinach was on the menu, spinach was all I could smell throughout the whole school. Needless to say, I always packed my lunch to avoid spinach on my plate.
Quite a few years later, I discovered spinach salad. Here was a new way to eat spinach--raw, in a salad, with hard-boiled eggs, bacon, and a warm dressing. I soon started using spinach on sandwiches, in soups, as a side dish, and in quiches and casseroles. Not only did I find out how versatile spinach is, but I also learned it's one of the most nutritious vegetables we can eat.
Spinach is a super good source of Vitamin K that helps bone strength and density, fights cardiovascular disease, and supports a healthy brain. Spinach is also a terrific source of Vitamin A that is important in fighting infections and also promotes skin health. This vegetable is also consider a good anti-inflammatory food, high in antioxidants, and it may help lower blood pressure and prevent cataracts. And we thought all it would do is make Popeye strong...
So for Week 10 of our 12 Weeks of Healthy Food, we're highlighting this wonder-food at Daisy Mae's Market. Try our featured Spinach Supreme recipe or pick up ingredients at Findlay Market for a healthy spinach salad. Better yet, spend at least $15, and we'll toss in 1/2 pound fresh spinach for free...Just tell them Popeye sent you!

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