Friday, January 21, 2011

Free Kiwi Slooper!

Every now and then, you run across something that you just can't wait to share. I recently learned all kinds of great things about kiwis from the California Kiwifruit Commission. I already knew the kiwi was among our most nutritious fruits--more Vitamin C than an orange, as much potassium as a banana, high in fiber, and rich in beta-carotene and flavonoids. I also knew that you should look for a semi-firm kiwi when selecting one to buy and that you should store your kiwis in the refrigerator if you're not planning to eat them right away. But I also learned a bunch of interesting stuff about the history of the kiwi, where and how it grows, and possible uses for the kiwi. Make sure when you visit the site, you watch the 4-minute YouTube video.
But the real reason I couldn't wait to write this post is that if you hurry, you can get a free slooper! You don't really need a slooper for slooping the kiwi, but if it's free, why not order yours today? And while you're waiting for it to arrive, get to Daisy Mae's Market at Findlay Market and stock up on this delicious and nutritious fruit.

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